Saint Catherine Labouré School Home

Who We Are

St. Catherine Labouré School is a community of Scholastic Achievement, Catholic Values, and Lifelong Learning. We pride ourselves that these growing foundations are a part of our school, our parish, and our community. We come from different backgrounds with different traditions, but we all have these things in common. Through learning and through Christ, we will achieve excellence together. We are Crusaders and we invite you to get to know why our school has been part of the Glenview community for over 60 years! 

Crusader Way

open gym

Open Gym at SCL

Come hang out with friends and bring friends with you! On Sunday, February 23rd come by SCL for a couple hours. Hang out in the gym, play some games, and meet new friends! Serving pizza and good times! Please click on the headline for information about RSVPing.

3rd Quarter Honor Roll

Mr. Blumenshine presented our 2nd Quarter Honor Roll students with their awards after church on our last day of school. He emphasized the Crusader Way and how the Honor Roll showcases students with excellence in their classes, both in academics and behavior. Excellence is Intentional! For more information about the SCL Honor Roll, please click on the headline.

Catholic School Week

We have so much planned for Catholic Schools Week. This is our week to acknowledge our fantastic parish, parents, and volunteers of al kinds. We are so lucky to have such an amazing community of people that support us! Thanks to everyone for making SCL the special place it is.

Catholic School Sunday Family Mass

hank you so much for joining us for Catholic School Sunday Mass! It was wonderful to come together as a community to celebrate our faith and the blessings of Catholic education.
A special thank you to Father Rocky for being with us and for leading such an inspiring Mass. We are especially grateful for his energy and enthusiasm in helping us chant “Laboure!” It was a joyful reminder of the spirit and pride we share as a school family.
Your presence made the day extra special, and we are so grateful for your continued support of our mission! We are Crusaders!



Our Mission

St. Catherine Labouré School teaches the values of Jesus and the Catholic Church in an atmosphere of love and discipline. Teachers impart fundamental academic skills, the joy of learning, a positive sense of self-awareness, and a community spirit, while recognizing each student’s individuality and importance. St. Catherine Labouré School is proud of its past. With the support of parents and the parish community, and with guidance from the Holy Spirit, we anticipate the future with faith and determination.
The mission of the Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic Schools is to educate the whole child — academically, spiritually, physically, and emotionally — through a faith-based learning environment. St. Catherine Labouré School is igniting the light in future leaders.
The Catholic community of St. Catherine Labouré, prompted by the Holy Spirit, encourages its members to love God, self, and neighbor. Nourished through the sacraments, liturgy, and prayer, we want to deepen our relationship with God by sharing our faith as a gifted people. We strive to grow spiritually, intellectually, and socially. Committed to Jesus Christ and the Church, we embrace a vision of service to our parish and the world community.
6th Grade

SCL Parent Club

Parent participation is key to student success. Being part of our school is being part of your student's education. We enjoy seeing our parents in our building, whether they are volunteering for hot lunch or at Grandparent's Day; parents make our school what we are so proud to call a community. Check out the weekly newsletter for Parent Club events and opportunities. Visit the "Volunteer" page under Resources to find out how you can get more involved. We are Crusaders!