Enrichment Opportunities
SCL’s Band program encourages students to learn to play brass, woodwind, or percussion instruments. All students in grades 4-8 have the chance to participate in practices and performances, whether they are seasoned pros or brand new to music. Band Director Mallory Gaul arranges several concerts and competitions throughout the year for the Band.
Teacher Led Clubs and After School Classes: See right column for for information!
Throughout the year, our teachers will direct clubs that go beyond the classroom learning experience. Most clubs meet after school. These clubs are listed in red to the right under the year long programs. Click on the link for the sign up sheets. These run from October - December. New classes will be posted in the New Year!
Outside Partnerships
SCL actively seeks partnerships with outside organizations to give our students additional leaning opportunities. These clubs and activities are updated frequently.
We have partnerships with Championship Martial Arts and Glenview Chess. See sign ups below.